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Chakra Cleansing & balancing

Our Auras and Chakras work together to keep us energetically healthy.  Also keeping our channels clear on a regular bases works wonders for the physical body as well. You want to have more motivation to lose weight or attract love? This 60 minute long distance healing session will help. I use divine healing along with a powerful prayer called Ho'oponopono. To help clear any stagnant or weak energy stuck in the energetic body. After this deep cleansing. You will feel refreshed and  capable of conquering any goals set in your way

Only $80 per session. â€‹


   The Root chakra- Symbolizes safety, survival, grounding and nourishment from the earth's energy.


  The Sacral chakra- Is associated with your emotions, creativity, sexuality.

  Also its associated with water and flow.


  The solar plexus chakra- Symbolizes mental activities, intellect, personal power and your will.


​  The heart chakra- Is connected to love, relating to others, integration and compassion.


​  The throat chakra- Symbolizes self expression, expression  of truth, creative expression and your communication.


​  The third eye chakra- Evokes intuition, extrasensory perception and inner wisdom.


​   The crown chakra- Is associated with the universe, spirituality and consciousness.




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